Op. Dr. Kenan Arifoğlu

Op. Dr. Kenan Arifoğlu

Department: Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Profession: Aesthetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Education:
  • London Hospital, Faculty of Medicine :1981-1984
  • Cyprus – Higher Institute of Technology: 1984-1985
  • Adana – Çukurova University, Faculty of Medicine: 1985- 1990
  • Ankara Numune Hospital 2nd Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic: 1991-1996
Professional Experience:
  • Cyprus Central Hospital: 2002-Present
  • Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital Nicosia: 1997-2022
  • Keçiören Outpatient Clinic Ankara: 1996-1997
  • Türközü Specialized Outpatient Clinic, Ankara Turkey :1996-1996
Professional Memberships:
  • Turkish Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, İstanbul
  • Cyprus Turkish Medical Association, Nicosia 1997 – Present
  • Turkish Cypriot Physicians Union 1999-Present
  • Founding Member of the Turkish Cypriot Esthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Association
  • Turkish Cypriot Esthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Association 2001- Present
  • European Federation of Salaried Doctors
  • Delegate of the European Federation of Salaried Doctors on behalf of the Cyprus Turkish Medical Association 2010-2018
  • Founding Member of Anglo-Turkish Health Professionals Association
Working Days:


  • Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Operations
  • Burns
  • Botox/ Filling
  • Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery
  • Hand injuries
  • Congenital anomalies
  • Tissue loss
  • Skin cancers

Professional awards, prizes, and experiences

112 Service Founding Physicians

112 Responsible Chief Physician 2013-2016

Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital Deputy Chief Physician 2013-2016

Professional training, courses and conferences attended (in Türkiye)      

1.Üstüner E.T, Şensöz Ö., Arifoğlu K. Re-excision in basal cell carcinoma.13. National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, Nevşehir 1991

  1. Mutaf M., Şensöz Ö., Koçer U., Arifoğlu K., Yazıcı A., A new blepharoplasty technique applied in our clinic in the last year, XIV. National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress 24-27 October 1992, Sheraton Ankara
  2. Şenöz Ö., Koçer U., Arifoğlu K., Yazıcı A., A new approach in the repair of large and recurrent abdominal hernias. XV.National Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress September 27-29, 1993, Swiss Otel İstanbul
  3. Çelebioğlu S., Koçer U., Arifoğlu K.,Keser M., Şensöz Ö., Effects of Mandibular Fracture Treatments on T.M.E. XV. National Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress September 27-29, 1993, Swiss Otel, İstanbul.
  4. Çelebioğlu S., Koçer U., Baran C.N., Tellioğlu A.T., Arifoğlu K., Şensöz Ö., Cartilage Grafts with and without Perichondrium (Experimental Study) XV. National Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress September 27-29, 1993, Swiss Otel, İstanbul.
  5. Çelebioğlu S., Arifoğlu K., Şensöz Ö., Koçer U., YazıcıA., Tellioğlu A.T., Stump reconstruction with latissimus dorsi costomyocutaneous flap. VXI National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, October 1-4, 1994, Hilton Ankara
  6. Şensöz Ö., Arifoğlu K.,Koçer U., Çelebioğlu S., YazıcıA., Tellioğlu A.T., New technique in anterior abdominal wall defects: Overlap flap, National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, October 1-4, 1994, Hilton Ankara.
  7. Tellioğlu A.T, Şensöz Ö., Koçer U., Çelebioğlu S., Arifoğlu K., Thumb Reconstruction with free vascularized calvarial flap, International congress on surgery of the hand and upper extremity, Semp 24-28 1994 İzmir.
  8. Şensöz Ö., Koçer U., Çelebioğlu S., Arifoğlu K. A new approach to the treatment of recurrent large abdominal hernias. 11th Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Yokohama, Japan 16-21 April 1995. (Presented in this Conference).
  9. Arifoğlu K., Çelebioğlı S., Bilen B.T., Akan M., Şensöz Ö., Akyüz M., Reconstruction with a sensitized gracilis myocutaneous flap in paraplegic patients with ischial pressure sores. XVIII. National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, Bursa 1996.
  10. Arifoğlu K., Çelebioğlı S., Keser M., Mengi A.S., Koçer U., Şensöz Ö., Ear reconstructions using Tanzer-technique XVIII. National Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, Bursa 1996.

Professional trainings, courses and conferences attended (Abroad)        

Şensöz Ö., Koçer U., Çelebioğlu S., Arifoğlu K. A new approach to the treatment of recurrent large abdominal hernias. 11th Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Yokohama, Japan 16-21 April 1995. (Presented in this Conference).

International Publications           

1.Mutaf M., Şensöz Ö., Üstüner E.T., Arifoğlu K., Surgical emphysema following an isolated mandible fracture European Journal of Plastic Surgery, 16.03.1993

  1. Şenöz Ö., Arifoğlu K., Koçer U., Çelebioğlu S., Yazıcı A.,Tellioğlu A.T.,Baran C.N., A new approach for the treatment of recurrent large abdominal hernias, Overlap flap, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol.99, Number 7, June 1997.

3.Nonmicrosurgical use of an Osteocutaneous Parascapular Flap: Annals of Plastic Surgery

4.Prevalence of asthma and allergies in children from Greek- Cypriot and Turkish Communities in Cyprus: A bi-communal cross-sectional study

  1. Şensöz Ö., Koçer U., Çelebioğlu S., Arifoğlu K. A new approach to the treatment of recurrent large abdominal hernias. 1997

Publications in Turkey   

  1. Şensöz Ö., Koçer U., Tellioğlu S., Mutaf M., Arifoğlu K., Kliniğimizde kraniofasial cerrahi uygulamaları , Türk Plastik Cerrahi Dergisi 1.1.1993
  2. Şensöz Ö., Koçer U., PerçinA.K., Arifoğlu K.,Palpebral Torbaların Tedavisinde Yeni Yöntem; Septo-orbito-perrioplasty. Türk Plastik Cerrahi Dergisi: 01.02.193
  3. Koçer U., Yazıcı A., Arifoğlu K., Şenöz Ö., Dupuytren Kontraktüründe Tedavi Yaklaşımlarımız. T.Klin Tıp Bilimleri 13 Sayı 5.1993.3
  4. Çelebioğlu S., Koçer U., Arifoğlu K., Barab C., Keser M., Şenöz Ö., Reconstruction of the desarticulized left stup with vascularized ninth rib, osteomyocutaneous flap, A case report and review of the literature, T.Klinik Tıp Bilimleri 6.1996.
  5. Çelebioğlu S., Koçer U., Arifoğlu K., Ortak T., Koçer U., Ekstremitelerin avulsiyon yaralanmalarında klinik deneyimlerimiz Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica Vol.31, No:2.1997

Articles Reviewed by the Editorial Board

Çelebioğlu S., Ünlü R.E..,Keser M., Arifoğlu K., Koçer U., Şensöz Ö., Reconstruction of mandible with fibula free flap.


Perçin A.K, Mengi A.S., Çelebioğlu S., Arifoğlu K., Bilen B.T., Şensöz Ö., The use of lining mucosa flaps in full-thickness defects of the lower tip of the nose XVII. National Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, Cyprus September 1995.